Friday, March 11, 2005
Childhood bereavement services
Rolls Liz, Payne Sheila
Childhood bereavement services: issues in UK service provision
Mortality 2004 v9 no 4 p300-28
This article eloquently presents the broad key findings from a research project on UK childhood bereavement services, based on 8 different organisational case studies. They include a variety of management and administrative structures a)free standing services b)services attached to a host organisation such as a hospice or a child care service c)partnership services which arise from a partnership of a number of statutory agencies. This variety of services is detailed as well as the “level” of each service – from support through to psychotherapeutic work.
Research, audit and service evaluation is described though this area of activity is often an ideal rather than a reality.
The numbers of such services, albeit with varied aims and methods of delivery has increased in the UK in the last ten years and it is clear that they vary greatly. However, this article presents a broad idea of their scope and some discussion on the challenges for future evaluation.
Childhood bereavement services: issues in UK service provision
Mortality 2004 v9 no 4 p300-28
This article eloquently presents the broad key findings from a research project on UK childhood bereavement services, based on 8 different organisational case studies. They include a variety of management and administrative structures a)free standing services b)services attached to a host organisation such as a hospice or a child care service c)partnership services which arise from a partnership of a number of statutory agencies. This variety of services is detailed as well as the “level” of each service – from support through to psychotherapeutic work.
Research, audit and service evaluation is described though this area of activity is often an ideal rather than a reality.
The numbers of such services, albeit with varied aims and methods of delivery has increased in the UK in the last ten years and it is clear that they vary greatly. However, this article presents a broad idea of their scope and some discussion on the challenges for future evaluation.