Monday, July 11, 2005
Integrating bereavement theories
Field Nigel P, Gao Beryl, Paderna Lisa
Continuing bonds in bereavement: an attachment theory based perspective
Death Studies v29 no4 p277-299
This article stresses the importance of understanding attachment theory in helping bereaved people and seeks to integrate appropriate aspects of the theory of continuing bonds with that of attachment. For instance, the authors consider that the bereaved person’s recognition of a continuing bond with the deceased may be maladaptive soon after a bereavement but a sign of healthy adaptation at a later time.
An interesting description of the links between the theories is provided in the following extract: “Holding onto objects linked to the deceased may represent denial of the irrevocability of the loss, may serve as a transitional object in the movement towards internalisation, or represent keepsakes that are part of an enduring CB (Continuing Bonds) connection associated with the reorganisation phase”.
Continuing bonds in bereavement: an attachment theory based perspective
Death Studies v29 no4 p277-299
This article stresses the importance of understanding attachment theory in helping bereaved people and seeks to integrate appropriate aspects of the theory of continuing bonds with that of attachment. For instance, the authors consider that the bereaved person’s recognition of a continuing bond with the deceased may be maladaptive soon after a bereavement but a sign of healthy adaptation at a later time.
An interesting description of the links between the theories is provided in the following extract: “Holding onto objects linked to the deceased may represent denial of the irrevocability of the loss, may serve as a transitional object in the movement towards internalisation, or represent keepsakes that are part of an enduring CB (Continuing Bonds) connection associated with the reorganisation phase”.